Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Best and Worst Websites - GameBattles

GOOD Website

This is another website I have used previously. This is where competitive gamers go to play against other gamers online. There is a wide variety of games that this website supports for each console and for PC.  You can compete alone, as a duo, or with a team (depending on the game). After signing up the gamer gets his or her own customizable profile page which includes their rank and win loss ratio for each game. Other gamers can comment on a profile as well. To play against other people competitively all the user has to do is make a team and post a game with the rules they want. After another party accepts the match the game is played in a private lobby and the results are posted after the series is completed.

Structurally this website is solid. It has a very clean look and is simple to navigate. The color scheme is simple and works well with the website itself. The header and the footer are consistent and the footer includes all the social media as well as information about the mobile applications available. There is even a forums page for enthusiast (link is included in the footer).

I have had a good time using this website with my friends. I consider myself as a competitive individual as I enjoy outplaying my opponents no matter what game it is. This website has created a home for people like me and has prospered a lot over time. This is one of the best websites of all time.


  1. I definitely agree with the motive behind websites like these. They connect the community, encourage interaction, and this one in particular is easy to use. Had no trouble navigating, it has clear ways of getting around the website.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's a pretty good website that does everything in an organized manner. I've always wanted to do these gamebattles, but never got to it. (sorry the other comment was with another account)

  4. I've also used this website too and I really did enjoy how it was able to connect online gamers to each other.

  5. I used to use GameBattles back when I played Halo but one thing I never liked about it was that I couldn't ever delete my account on it.
