Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Best and Worst Websites - Hupit

BAD Website

Just for the record, this website used to have a lot of traffic. I used to use it myself. Several years ago I would have rated this website as good without flinching but it has taken a turn for the worse. This website used to be a method to bring gamers together. Users could create an account and check off which games they play. After creating an account gamers would be able to search for other gamers who play the same games and play casually or competitively. From what I understand the website would crash very easily if it got flooded with too much traffic. This would happen consistently because a Youtuber and Twitch streamer known as WoodysGamertag would promote this website. Enough about the history lets get into the current status of this throw away website.

*The website has changed since I reviewed it so my review is not completely accurate but it is still a good example of a bad website.

Let us start with the home page. There is search bar and a set of clickable links with broad text descriptions and thats about it. This page has a sorry excuse for a header and absolutely no footer. The color scheme is mediocre and the text font is bland. If you navigate away from the home page by clicking on one of the links the header becomes clickable! The clickable header would be useful if it actually did something when you clicked it. The only use for the linked header is to right click it and open the same exact page in another tab or window.

Theres not much more to say other than the fact that this is an example of a throw away website. The only value to this website anymore is its domain name.

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